The National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB) and the National Watermelon Association (NWA) are two separate organizations within the watermelon industry in the United States. Here’s how they differ:
Focus and Purpose:
National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB): The NWPB is primarily focused on promoting watermelon consumption through marketing, research, education, and outreach activities. It aims to increase awareness of watermelon, its nutritional benefits, and its versatility in culinary applications. The NWPB’s efforts are geared towards increasing demand for watermelon among consumers and driving sales for the industry.
National Watermelon Association (NWA): The NWA is an organization that represents the interests of watermelon growers, shippers, and distributors. It serves as a trade association, advocating for the needs and concerns of its members within the watermelon industry. The NWA focuses on issues such as production practices, market access, regulatory compliance, and industry networking.


National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB): The NWPB is typically funded by assessments from watermelon producers, handlers, and importers who voluntarily contribute to support the board’s promotional activities. It does not function as a membership organization in the traditional sense.
National Watermelon Association (NWA): The NWA consists of members who are directly involved in the watermelon industry, including growers, shippers, packers, processors, and allied industry partners. Members pay dues to join the association and may participate in its activities, events, and advocacy efforts.


Roles and Activities:
National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB): The NWPB primarily engages in promotional efforts to increase consumer demand for watermelon products. This may include advertising campaigns, consumer education initiatives, and market research activities aimed at identifying consumer preferences and trends.
National Watermelon Association (NWA): The NWA focuses on serving the needs of its members and representing their interests within the watermelon industry. This may involve providing resources and support for growers, advocating for favorable policies and regulations, organizing industry events and conferences, and facilitating networking opportunities among members.



In summary, while both the National Watermelon Promotion Board (NWPB) and the National Watermelon Association (NWA) are involved in the watermelon industry, they have distinct roles and functions. The NWPB focuses on promoting watermelon consumption through marketing and outreach, while the NWA serves as a trade association representing the interests of watermelon growers, shippers, and distributors.