Supply Chain Research

These analytical tools for the watermelon industry use AMS Market News data to track FOB, movement, origin and more. The Watermelon Market Report and supporting Excel files are updated weekly, and can be downloaded for analysis. Please reach out to Jason Hanselman, with questions, to request a custom report or to receive the Watermelon Market Report via email once it is updated (typically every week).
Please note that spreadsheets open to the Table of Contents tab explaining the details of the full workbook. Click on the other tabs to explore.
About AMS Market News
All the information available through was published and released by the USDA Market News Service. There are no restrictions on who may obtain this data or how it may be used except that, if the data is republished and identified as USDA data, it cannot be altered in any way. Additionally, here is the list of Market News Officers across the U.S.: