
Have Made It

This carving will be sure to sit and stay!





  1. Using a slightly oblong watermelon, slice 1 inch off the less- attractive end to make the base.
  2. Draw lines for the dog design on the rind with a sharp pencil or thin marker.
  3. Using a boning knife carve the ears first, and then carve out eyes, leaving the pupils intact. Scrape the green skin off of the pupils with a small paring knife.
  4. Scoop out the flesh using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, and reserve for fruit salad.
  5. Carve out the nose with a paring knife. Remove the green skin, and reinsert the nose, inverted to make the nose appear lighter. Use a channel knife to add line details around the eyes and mouth as shown.
  6. Stand on plate inside of a new large dog collar. Pull ears outward and secure with toothpicks to give a natural look to the ears.
  7. Serve the watermelon fruit salad in “dog bowls" cut from mini watermelons. Simply cut the mini watermelons in half and scoop out the flesh. Cut out shapes from watermelon, mix with other cut fruit (like honeydew) and fill bowls.

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