Eiffel Tower
Reviews (9)
Have Made It
- Wash the watermelon under cool running water and pat dry.
- On a cutting board, place the watermelon on its side and cut off 1/4”-1/2” from the stem end, this will provide a sturdy base.
- Stand the watermelon upright on the base. Use the template to draw the Eiffel Tower with the dry erase marker. Use the Scotch tape to draw and cut straighter lines.
- 1/3 the way from the bottom of the watermelon, draw a straight line around the circumference of the watermelon, being careful not to go through the Eiffel Tower outline, this will create your serving bowl for the fruit salad.
- Use the kitchen knife to cut sections away from the around the Eiffel Tower and carefully pull the sections away your outline, leaving just the Eiffel Tower and the bowl for the fruit salad attached. Scoop out the base to form a bowl. Reserve the sections as they are removed.
- From the pieces of the watermelon that were cut away from the carving use cookie cutters to make Eiffel Tower and poodle shapes to decorate with and use the remaining watermelon to make watermelon balls for the fruit salad and to decorate with.
- Use the channel knife to add details and X’s to the Eiffel Tower. Use pieces of the white rind attached with toothpicks to add decorative trim.
- Fill the bowl with watermelon fruit salad.
I love this so much
This is my favorite carving on this website, the carving process was tough, but it was all worth it when seeing the final project.
Would recommend to anyone looking to carve watermelons.
My wife recently left me and this has helped me a lot!! The kids always have fun with watermelon carving. would recomend to anyone who likes the eifiel tower
This made me stop playing roblox and start cutting watermelon #watermelonforlife
This is the best thing ever. Would recommend to friends.
The little kids down the street love my carvings and always come over when i carve, this has become one of their favorites 10/10 my favorite as well
i loved making this and the finished product was so great i want to try it again and again. would even recommend to my friend danny gonzalez
I’ve never been a huge fan of the eiffel tower, as that is where my wife had her stroke, but this carving and eating this was so fun!! 4/4 watermelons
Me and my girlfriend of 2 weeks did this on our first date, the carving was so good.