• Joyful Movement Cover graphic


    Joyful Movement with Watermelon

    Start (or end!) your day with movement that will get your body and mind feeling joyful. 💪 Led by body…

  • Paint Along Cover graphic

    How To

    Relaxing Paint-Along: Watermelon on the Beach

    Drift off to a tropical beach with watermelon! Enjoy the simple pleasure of watching this relaxing painting or grab your…

  • Red salad with watermelon raspberries, cherries and strawberries


    What is Vitamin C? And Why is it Important?

    Chances are you’ve heard of vitamin C before but have you ever wondered what exactly is it and what it’s…

  • Animated fruits and vegetables smiling surrounding a slice of watermelon


    Better Together with Watermelon

    There’s nothing like the holiday season to bring people. Whether you are connecting with friends and family virtually or in…

  • spooky watermelon frozen balls


    6 Sweet Treats That Are So Good It’s Scary 👻

    It’s candy season. Satisfy your sweet tooth the watermelon way. Boo! 👻 From carving a jack o’melon to picking a…

  • Sports drink by Chrissy Carroll


    5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Watermelon All Year Long

    By Guest Blogger Chrissy Carroll, MPH, RD, LDN, ACSM-cPT, USAT Level I Triathlon Coach, RRCA Certified Running Coach You know…

  • two versions of snack board with watermelon


    Build a Better Board with Watermelon

    Charcuterie boards have changed the entertainment game. Completely customizable and easy to make, boards are a fun way to graze…

  • Watermelon Juice


    I Juiced My Watermelon, Now What?

    Add ‘juiced’ to the list of many ways to enjoy watermelon this summer! Juicing watermelon is simple (and a great…

  • two cups of watermelon italian ice


    Make the Most of Your Summer Adventures with Watermelon 🍉

    The best time of the year is finally here: summer! ☀️ We don’t know about you, but for us, summer…

  • half watermelon cut into sticks on top of round wooden cutting board

    Carvings, Cooking, FAQs, How To

    How Should I Cut My Watermelon?

    You followed our steps for choosing a watermelon, but now what? Time to dig in! But with many ways to…

  • Flowering Garden Watermelon Carving

    Carvings, Cooking

    Time to *Spring* into Some Watermelon Action

    Hello, springtime! It’s time to enjoy the warm sunshine, a new season blooming and some tasty watermelon. From frozen treats…

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