Keep the fresh flavor of watermelon on your menu always! Watermelon is available year-round (use this handy chart to see where your watermelon is coming from) – just look for “fresh cut” containers of watermelon in the produce aisle.
What are fresh cuts? They’re the pre-cut fruits and vegetables that are located right in the produce section (usually next to the bag salads). Grab a container of fresh cut watermelon sticks or cubes and add them into…
DYK: You can also juice those fresh cuts to create new and less expected dishes? Simply add your fresh cuts to the blender, blend and strain for quick and easy juice! Watch the video below for juicing steps, and then use watermelon juice in yummy recipes like…
It look delicious and healthy
this is so healthy thank you for this!!! https://juicercritic.com/
Did you use preservatives in the packaging?
Fresh cut watermelon is packaged without any additives or preserves, which is why the shelf life (or freshness time) is limited. Sometimes a fresh cut processor might have a pad at the bottom of the plastic container to help absorb juice, but no preservatives of any kind are added to the watermelon fruit.
I ask the attendant to slice my whole watermelon in half. I can then see if it’s edible. If the watermelon is not edible and I’m already home I have to carry it back and stand in the service line for a refund.
I can’t believe they do that for you. What happens if they cut it open and it’s not ripe? Now they can’t sell it.
Yummy yummy
I never realize that watermelon has so much potassium in it in which my body needs, I no longer take potassium supplements because I get enough from eating watermelon and drinking watermelon juice.
eating watermelon everyday will reduce your kidneys creatine numbers yes being a diabetic watermelon is part of my dinner treat everyday try for yourself but watch your glucose numerrs they do go up so u need to be on insulin to eat watermlon to control the gluscose increase happy eating
watermelon reduces kidney creatine
Where can I buy watermelon in bulk?
My all-time favorite fruit! Last year I decided to do a “watermelon fast”, actually just for one day treating myself to unlimited amounts of my favorite fruit! Lol. Honestly, I felt so good after doing that once that I repeated it multiple times over the summer. My husband and I intend to do that again this summer. We live in the hot desert, watermelons are readily available and it is the most quenching food you can eat. One of the top food sources for lycopene. I don’t think that most people realize that although tomatoes are loaded with lycopene you have to cook them in order to make it available.