Pretty much every food can trace its origins to one region and has a city that claims to be its capital. For example, Blackfoot, Idaho, is the “Potato Capital of the World.” There’s a “Salmon Capital of the World” (Ketchikan, Alaska), a “Steak Capital of the World” (Lincoln, Nebraska) and a “Strawberry Capital of the World” (Watsonville, California). And, for some reason, Old Forge, Pennsylvania, is the “Pizza Capital of the World.”
But which city would you need to plug into your GPS to travel to the “Watermelon Capital of the World”? That question is a little harder to answer.
Turns out, seven U.S. cities call themselves the center of the watermelon universe, and all of them have good reasons for laying claim to the title. Oh sure, other foods have multiple cities locked in a battle for the capital crown, but when it comes to watermelon, the sweet battle is the fiercest in the nation.
Here’s a look at each “Watermelon Capital of the World,” along with what makes them deserving of the name. Which one is most deserving of the title? Leave a comment with your thoughts to help settle this debate once and for all!
CORDELE, GEORGIA – Cordele is located in Crisp County, which is the number one watermelon-producing county in the nation’s number two watermelon-producing state. Cordele has an annual Watermelon Days Festival and an auto-racing track called the Watermelon Capital Speedway.
HOPE, ARKANSAS – Hope has a lot to brag about. Besides being the birthplace of former President Bill Clinton, it’s also where some of the world’s largest watermelons are grown (including a then world record holder in 2005). The town holds an annual watermelon festival and even features watermelon in its municipal logo along with the Hope slogan, “A Slice of the Good Life.”
WEATHERFORD, TEXAS – The north Texas city was once one of the state’s biggest watermelon growers (not so much anymore) and once featured an oversized watermelon sculpture outside its courthouse.
GREEN RIVER, UTAH – The tiny town of Green River (population 929) may not be big, but it is home to the “World’s Largest Watermelon.” The old wooden wedge is kept in storage in a hangar in the Green River Airfield and makes appearances at events like Green River’s annual Melon Days Festival.
NAPLES, TEXAS – A lot of watermelons are grown in Naples, and the town has a watermelon festival. That’s about it, really. Oh, the watermelon festival also includes a rodeo. That’s pretty sweet, right?
BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS – While other towns call themselves the “Watermelon Capital of the World,” Beardstown only calls itself the “Watermelon Capital.” And for good reason: The town is one of the most prolific watermelon-growers in the state.
RUSH SPRINGS, OKLAHOMA – Rush Springs fulfills all of the usual “Watermelon Capital” requirements. Grow a lot of watermelon? Check. Got a big annual watermelon festival? Check. Actually, that last one is a big check. The Rush Springs Watermelon Festival is one of the state’s most popular festivals, attracting more than 20,000 visitors and serving nearly 50,000 pounds of watermelon each year.
what about smith county, mississippi??
Yes what about Smith County Watermelons? They are wonderful!
Grows really sweet melons but just doesn’t produced enough to be considered Watermelon Capital of the world. Make no mistake, Smith county has some of the best watermelons……look for Jubilee
Pageland South Carolina is the ONLY Watermelon Capital. Thanks.
no, it is Rush Spring Oklahoma.
No cordele ga b
Gotta agree with Garth, hometown rules!
I have to agree with you, Tiffany. If not for Rush Springs being a town of 1,000 out on the Chisholm Trail and lacking the marketing horsepower of other locales, I believe that its claim as the WCOTW would hardly be contested. Unbelievably prolific tradition of watermelon production and a great annual festival to show it.
You got it right.
is it true that Spokane valley in Washington state used to grow watermelons ?
Hermiston, OR is the true capital of watermelon
That’s what I was looking for 😂
You’re absolutely right about Hermiston, although most Easterners and Southerners have never heard of it. Mass production doesn’t equal excellence.
LMAO, the true watermelon capital of the world is Smith County, Mississippi.
Nah Leah just go to rush springs and find out.
Keep the comments coming! Where is your watermelon capital?
Dilley, Frio County, Texas is the True Watermelon Capital of the World!
Rush Springs Oklahoma
Bogue inlet, NC. Screw biggest size, most grown, etc. Theyre know for the best tasting of anywhere. Perfect climate, soil, etc. naturally.
Hagerman, Idaho. Situated in the Snake River Canyon, it is zoned way warmer than the rest of Idaho, and raises some amazing watermelons.
Sugartown Louisiana! You should try them
You forgot Pageland SC
The Real Watermelon Capital of the World
Rocky Ford, Colorado
Knox County Indiana. Definitely the Watermelon Capital. Who else would do this.
Knox County Vincennes IN.
yep, give me some Decker Indiana watermelon over any other in the world.
Kellogg, MN holds Watermelon Festival 2nd weekend in September. 2020 is the 74th year. It is the Watermelon Capital
Nah the best is Sugartown Louisiana! Sweet as sugar, and full of sweet juice! They are very red on the inside! I think they forgot about Louisiana! Lol!
Heck I thought pageland sc was
Tony thomason
How in the world is Rocky Ford, CO not included in this list?!?
I’m glad someone put Rocky Ford on this list. Mellon capital of the world. Home of the “Rocky Ford Sweet” As a kid, I remember the arch by the liquor store with the big watermelon attesting to the fact
I live near Rocky Ford, Georgia and I know a former Watermelon Queen of the yearly beauty pageant held by the South Carolina Watermelon Association
Cordele Ga hands down
Cordele GA, in Crisp County largest watermelon 🍉 producing county East of the Mississippi River
You’re all wrong. It’s Grand Bay, AL.
Definitely it’s rush springs hands down I live in Mississippi and go to their festival every year
Thank u sir wise one. Lived all over and seen many “watermelon “ braggers but no one has sand and watermelon like Oklahoma. Fields for miles and rush springs is the king of em all.
No way,it’s Trenton,Fla.hands down 👍
Washington Parish Louisiana. As a former watermelon queen I can say we have some of the sweetest around🍉🍉🍉🍉
Indeed… Hope, AR is my favorite so far
Absolutely! My hometown grown the best!!!!
If you want the best black diamond in the USA you might try and get one from Norfolk, Nebraska. In my opinion that Midwestern town produces some of the best watermelons around. Try them you will love them!!
Nah Hempsted tx is the watermelon captail we have a watermelon festval every year:_(
Nope guys and girls, truly Watermelons literally for DAYS in Cordele GA. If you haven’t been there ya can’t really say it’s not.
I cast my vote for Rush Springs.
Sugartown, Louisiana. Best you’ll ever eat – especially if you luck up & get a yellow meat.
No Festival nor Festival Queen, just fabulously tasty sweet watermelon in Rockvale, Kentucky.
The best watermelon in the United States comes from Hermiston Oregon, a place most of these enthusiasts for places in the South or Midwest have never heard of.
I’ll try Rush springs OK, and Hope AK, this year, just to see how good their watermelons are.
I do remember when Weatherford Tx claimed that title, and the big watermelon on the square, it was removed in the early seventies, I have not tasted a good watermelon in years, and would like to know where I might find a good black diamond watermelon, or any kind
I’ll stick with Green River, UT. The great variety of melons are all mighty sweet! Green River is definitely the watermelon capital of Southeastern Utah! 🙂
Rush Springs Oklahoma Watermellon Festival set a new Festival record this year with a 225.5 pound Mellon grown by the Bratcher family. They are long time residents of the town.
Hope Arkansas has the largest watermelons but Cave City,AR has the sweetest says Bill Clinton and I agree I am looking forward to trying all the places listed here hoping they will all be good and better !!!!
I use to go out of my way when traveling just to get a cave spring Arkansas watermelon so far it is the best in the states that I’ve been in hands down
Beardstown Illinois is definitely THEE Watermelon Capital! Never had a better watermelon. If you haven’t ever had a Beardstown watermelon stop in at Unlands Market across from the star Cafe on 67 and you’ll see why they say Beardstown is the watermelon Capital!
Luling Texas
It’s Cordele, Ga. They are the number one (1) watermelon-producing county in the nation’
No contest…. Sugartown, Louisiana
My vote is for Rocky Ford, Colorado as the Watermelon Capitol, whose first Watermelon Day was in 1878 and has been a part of the Arkansas Valley Fair for 147 years. Rocky Ford has supplied the seeds for many growers nationwide.
You can’t call yourself watermelon capital of the world just because you grow big watermelons. In the right conditions. I could grow a massive watermelon, but that doesn’t mean I will be the watermelon King. Cordele is THE number one watermelon producing county in the nation so it is the only watermelon capital. 😁
Muscatine, Iowa island grown melon is one of the best. Grown on the Mississippi flood planes, on what we call,” The Island”.